5G will be a game changer for all verticals

这是怎么? 好吧, there is not complete answer yet, as we are just in the phase where foundations of this megastructure – called 5G – is being laid and even though lots of that has been specified, there is still much of work ahead. Also the commercial implementations are in early stages. 然而, when taking a closer look on how 5G is being specified so far and especially the three pillars of 5G; eMBB URLLC and mMTC, it is clear that it will take the whole telecommunication infrastructure (wireless and wired) into a new level, which in turn has positive impact into all verticals and end users.

There are already some parts defined and implemented, which in my opinion already can take credit of being among 游戏改变者.

Let’s take an example, the public transport vertical and especially railway. Last January, the first-of-a-kind 5G railway specification TS22.289; ‘Mobile communication system for railways’ 是由3gpp发布的. 电话este was priviledged to be part of making of that specification by contributing several service definitions, which will play increasingly major role in the future railway systems. Our service definitions – based on the use cases defined in TR22.889; ‘Study on Future Railway Mobile Communication System’  – have focus into wireless CCTV offload, a solution to deliver and distribute multimedia and other data from ground-to-train and eventually high capacity wireless link between railcars.

到目前为止一切顺利. 正确的? 然而 we are nowhere near being complete what comes to 5G and railways and 5G in general. Private 5G networks and network slicing – which have not yet been commercially implemented, will have huge impact on cyber security, network load balancing, latency and OPEX costs. Private 5G networks and network slicing are particularly in the interest of railway operators, other public transport operators and public safety authorities.

There are truly exciting times head to witness these game changing moments. As 电话este we are proud to be part of it when it’s all happening.

Dr. 贾尼Vare

Dr. 贾尼Vare

I’m heading innovation activities in 电话este. Passion for innovations and the eternal search for the ‘next big thing’ keeps me going. 看到 我的人际关系网.

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