
At 电话este we have always strived for excellence and fostered innovation within our R&D、工程和制造团队. Our sales teams have gained a reputation for their customer-centric approach and attentiveness to our customers’ challenges, and many of our teams have greatly succeeded in ensuring top-quality for our customer deliveries and interactions. 仍然, 自从我三年前加入泰莱斯特家族以来, 我觉得十大可靠彩票平台还有更多的事情要做.

尽管名声很好, 以及十大可靠彩票平台公司的许多其他成就, 十大可靠彩票平台认识到,这是一个精心领导的, 缺乏统一而独特的泰勒斯特文化. This realisation explained some of the unwanted frictions and unnecessary silos in our organisation that we were determined to remove. We set ourselves the goal of fully revealing the potential we had in our teams across the organization.

要开始更改, we wished to find out the strengths of 电话este’s culture and create a new, 全公司的, 文化愿景指导十大可靠彩票平台的运作和十大可靠彩票平台的互动方式. The basis for this work was our strong belief in culture as an asset capable of strengthening engagement and employee well-being of our international #电话esteTeam, 加快思想交流和创新, 为了更好的客户和员工体验.

Until today our primary focus has been on ensuring successes in our customer projects, 设计行业领先的产品组合, 培养技术专长. 虽然这些方面对十大可靠彩票平台来说仍然很重要, I feel that we today understand that a thriving culture would play an equally pivotal role in our journey towards success. This realisation has prompted us to prioritize our company culture and give it the attention it truly deserves.


Building a strong company culture requires dedicated effort over time. 在十大可靠彩票平台的例子中, we embarked on a seven-year culture transformation journey that is divided into clear phases.

Like any successful journey, we also want that ours has a clear purpose and a common vision. 头一年半, we focused on defining the desired culture vision together with our #电话esteTeam, which consists of more than 800 international professionals located across three continents. 从一开始, it was clear that we wanted to engage as many 电话estians as possible across the company, and our culture vision was shaped through a collaborative effort involving dozens of discussions, 调查, 还有十大可靠彩票平台数百人积极参与的会议.

A strong culture can only be achieved by first understanding the current strengths and weaknesses.

Some critics might challenge the idea of spending over a year on defining a vision, 觉得太长了. 然而, I firmly believe that this time was needed not only to commit our teams to this journey, 但也要了解已经存在的一切. 因为文化之前并没有出现在十大可靠彩票平台的官方议程上, 十大可靠彩票平台还需要做一些基础工作才能开始. Our first goal was to understand the company’s nearly 70 years of history and what has driven us forward during the past decades. We also wanted to figure out what our people are proud of and what they feel that is missing from our culture.

另外,十大可靠彩票平台的 goal was to learn from all the companies that have joined our 电话este family over the years. 和, 当然, we wished to look ahead and determine the areas we needed to strengthen, 添加, 或者甚至移除. A strong culture can only be achieved by first understanding the current strengths and weaknesses and then very consciously reinforcing the good that exists and 添加ing new elements – and doing this together with every 电话estian.

在实践中, we invited our teams to take part in two 调查 to share their insights on both our strengths and areas for improvement. 这些调查, 对所有的泰拉提斯教徒开放, 是十大可靠彩票平台重要的信息来源吗, and very soon we were able to form a preliminary understanding of the areas we all wanted to focus on in our culture work.

We wanted our new culture to emphasize joy, innovation, and respect.

Step by step, we were able to delve deeper into our future culture vision. Throughout the process, we also engaged in numerous official and unofficial discussions. 所有的意见和想法都被仔细地记录下来, resulting in a comprehensive mind-map that illuminates the areas our culture should prioritize. 有了这一点,是时候开始微调阶段了. We rewrote and summarized and sought constant feedback and new ideas from our colleagues.

2023年春天, 十大可靠彩票平台的文化愿景终于发布了, 标志着十大可靠彩票平台旅程的第一阶段的完成. 新的愿景有四个基石:十大可靠彩票平台的意志 追求卓越,十大可靠彩票平台的 热爱实验、创新和学习, 庆祝成功的意愿,并明白十大可靠彩票平台正处于十大可靠彩票平台最强的在一起. We wanted our new culture to emphasize joy, innovation, and respect.



In 添加ition to the culture vision, initial phase of our work produced other important outcomes. We received numerous recommendations for actions that our company could take to bring the new vision to life and documented all of them carefully. With this list of ideas now in hand, we have paused to plan the second phase of our journey. 前进, we will continue by encouraging everyone to celebrate our successes and focus on fostering actions that support innovation and idea sharing. We will prioritize internal communications and provide our leaders with an extensive training program on how to effectively build our culture forward.

此外, 十大可靠彩票平台认识到,当十大可靠彩票平台在一个保护伞下建立十大可靠彩票平台的文化时, 重要的是要认识到每个团队, 部门, 每个单位都有自己独特的动力. It is important that every team finds their own unique ways and styles to incorporate the cornerstones of the vision, ensuring that our culture resonates with their specific context while staying aligned under the umbrella of our vision. This way, I believe, we can unlock a wide range of benefits for all of us.



I’m currently leading our corporate marketing and communications team, and my passion lies in fostering a culture of idea-sharing and collaboration. 与十大可靠彩票平台的专业团队一起, we strive every day to ignite the work we do at 电话este and pave the way for a smart, 安全, 和顺利的十大可靠彩票平台.

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